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Department of Earth System Sciences

프론티어 세미나

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11월 7일 (월) 외부연사 초청 세미나 공지사항입니다.
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  • 2022-11-04 15:58:29

11월 7일(월) 외부연사 초청 세미나를 개최하게 되어 이에 대한 일정 및 정보를 알려드립니다.

========================== 발표 ===========================

일시 : 11월 7일(월) 16시
장소 : 과학관 B101호

발표자 : Brendan J. Kennedy (School of Chemistry, The University of Sydney)

제목 : Powder Diffraction: More than a fingerprint

초록 : X-ray Diffraction has been routinely used for the identification and characterization of materials for over a century.  The diffraction pattern of a material is dependent on the type and three-dimensional arrangement of the atoms that make up a crystal.  Consequently, a diffraction pattern is a unique characteristic of a crystalline material that can serve as a fingerprint to unequivocally identify it.  Just as there are inheritable qualities to fingerprints, enabling family characteristics to be traced diffraction patterns of structurally related materials contain common features  However, a diffraction pattern contains more information than the arrangement of atoms, and analysis of the shape of the diffraction peaks can inform us about the size and defects in crystalline materials, that in turn can hint at the reactivity or providence of the material  Originally X-ray diffraction was applied exclusively to crystalline materials, but more recently it has been extended to the study of virtually any material capable of scattering X-rays, including nanomaterials. This talk will describe the application of X-ray and Neutron diffraction to characterise some crystalline materials using examples of how materials change under external stimuli.

발표자 소개 Brendan Kennedy is a professor of Solid State Chemistry at the University of Sydney.  He received his PhD from Monash University in 1984 and after post-doctoral periods at the University of Oxford (John Goodenough) and the Australian National University (Graham Heath) he moved to the University of Sydney. He has held visiting positions at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Kyoto University and The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL).   He played a leading role in the design of the powder diffractometers at both the OPAL reactor and at the Australian Synchrotron and is a major user of both facilities.  He has served as President of the Asia Oceania Neutron Scattering Association (AONSA) and of the Australian Neutron Beam Users Group (ANBUG).  He has contributed to around 400 publications that have attracted over 12500 citation and has a H-index of 56.

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