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2021학년도 1학기 재입학 전형 요강
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  • 2020-11-04 14:57:55



2021학년도 1학기 재입학 전형 요강

Re-Admission Application Guidelines for Spring Semester 2021






재입학 지원 자격대상 Qualified Applicants



미등록, 미복학, 성적불량(제적일로부터 2년 경과된 자), 학기초과, 자원퇴학 제적자

편입생(일반,학사,군위탁) 및 소속변경생 중 제적자

Dismissed students

- due to failure to complete their enrollment during the designated period

- due to failure to return after the allowed leave of absence period expires

- due to academic warnings and 2 years or more have passed since dismissal date

- due to exceeding the maximum semester limit

- voluntary withdrawal

- transfer students(general transfer, undergraduate transfer, military commission)

- students who changed their affiliations




모집 단위 Application Unit



교육학과, 약학과를 제외한 전 학과 약간 명
A few numbers from all majors except for Education and Pharmacy.


* 폐지된 법학과의 경우 행정학과에 한하여 재입학 신청 가능

Students affiliated to the Department of Law which was abolished can apply re-admission only to the Department of Public Administration.

* 의과대학, 치과대학, 간호대학, 약학대학은 해당 대학 사무실로 문의 바람

Students affiliated to the College of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy should contact the office of each college for re-admission information.





전형 방법 Re-Admission Procedures (Document Screening)


1) 1단계 : 학사지원팀 심사

1st Screening: Office of Academic Affairs Review

2) 2단계 : 대학별 심의위원회 심사(해당 대학·학과)

2nd Screening: College Review Committee (College/Major Department Review)

3) 3단계 : 재입학 심의위원회 심사

3rd Screening: Re-Admission Committee Review

위 심사과정에서 하나라도 불가(不可)이면 재입학이 허가되지 않음
If evaluated as not qualified in any of the above screening procedures, re-admission is not allowed.






제출 서류 Required Documents


1) 재입학 신청서 1(소정양식)

Completed Re-admission Application Form (prescribed form)

2) 청원서 1(소정양식)

Petition for Re-admission (prescribed form)

3) 학업계획서 1(소정양식, 학부대학장(백양관 N311) 및 학과장 추천 내용 및 날인 필요)
Academic Plan (prescribed form) with the recommendation and seal of the department head

4) 서약서 1(소정양식)

Written Oath (prescribed form) 1 copy

5) 성적증명서 1

Official Transcript 1 copy

6) 학적증명서 1

(Certificate of academic record, issued in Korean only)

* 성적증명서 및 학적증명서는 연세포탈서비스 또는 종합서비스센터(백양누리 지하 1)에서 발급

A copy of official transcript and a copy of 학적증명서 can be issued on Yonsei Portal System or at the University Service Center (Baegyangnuri B1).

* 필요 시 필기 또는 면접을 부과할 수 있음

If necessary, additional written test or interview could be administered.




전형 일정 Schedules


1) 접수기간: 2020. 11. 23.() ~ 12. 4.() 9:00~17:00

Application Period: 11. 23. (Mon) ~ 12. 4. (Fri) 9a.m. ~ 5p.m.

2) 접 수 처: 교무처 학사지원팀(언더우드관 지하 101)

Venue of Document Submission: Office of Academic Affairs (Underwood Hall B101)

3) 재입학 허가자 발표 : 2021. 1. 5.()

Announcement of the result: 2021. 1. 5. (Tue)

* 연세포탈서비스 로그인 학사정보시스템 학사관리 학적 재입학 심사결과 확인
Visit the Yonsei Portal System (http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr) Log in Academic Management System Student Record Re-admission Re-admission Result





유의사항 References



1) 재입학 후 당해 학기는 반드시 등록해야 하며, 일반휴학을 할 수 없음

After re-admitted, students MUST register and cannot take a leave of absence during

the 1st semester.

2) 재입학 이전의 재학기간, 학사경고 등의 학적사항, 취득학점 및 성적을 통산함
The academic records (Period of attendance, Academic warning(s), Earned credits, Grades. etc.) before dismissal remain.


- 재입학 전 일반휴학을 모두 활용한 학생은 재입학 후 일반휴학 할 수 없음
Re-Admitted students who used up all the chances of leave of absence before re-admission, cannot take a leave of absence after the re-admission.


- 재입학생의 재학연한은 이전 이수학기를 포함하여 12학기(당초입학생 기준)이며 이를 초과하는 경우 학기초과로 제적됨

, 학기초과로 제적되었던 학생이 재입학하는 경우 최대 16학기(3학년 편입생은 최대 8학기)까지 재학할 수 있음

Re-Admitted students should graduate within 12 semesters (Students originally admitted as freshman) including the semesters they have already attended. If they exceed the maximum period of enrollment, they will be dismissed. Students who were dismissed due to exceeding the maximum semester limit can graduate within 16 semesters (For 3rd year Transfer Students, 8 semesters, total).


- 재입학 전 학사경고 사항은 유효하며 횟수를 누적 적용함. 성적불량으로 제적되었던 학생이 재입학하는 경우 학사경고 1회만 받아도 제적됨
Academic warning(s) students received before dismissal will remain effective. Students who were dismissed due to academic warnings will be dismissed when receive one academic warning.


3) 재입학은 1회에 한하여 허용함
Re-Admission is allowed only once.


4) 재입학 합격 후 포기 시 또 다시 재입학을 할 수 없음
When students give up re-admission after getting accepted, re-admission is not allowed ever again.


5) 재입학 합격 후 학기 개강 전까지는 계절 학기를 수강할 수 없음
Applicants cannot take summer/winter courses before they have been officially granted re-admission.




교무처 학사지원팀

Academic Support Team

Office of Academic Affairs





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